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ELIXIRÉ Immuno Booster Curcumin is a dietary supplement in liposomal form that has numerous positive effects, as it:
Vitamin C:
•  plays a role in the functioning of the immune system and increases iron absorption
Vitamin D:
•  contributes to normal blood calcium levels and the functioning of the immune system

ELIXIRÉ CURCUMIN IMMUNO BOOSTER, passion fruit flavor, dietary supplement

Regular price €28,00
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ELIXIRÉ Immuno Booster Curcumin with passion fruit flavor and high content of Curcumin C3 complex is a dietary supplement in liposomal form and contains vitamin D, which contributes to normal blood calcium levels and the functioning of the immune system.

Net quantity: 240ml

Tax included.

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Slovenian quality

ELIXIRÉ Immuno Booster Curcumin is a dietary supplement in liposomal form that has numerous positive effects, as it:
Vitamin C:
•  plays a role in the functioning of the immune system and increases iron absorption
Vitamin D:
•  contributes to normal blood calcium levels and the functioning of the immune system

Discover the world ELIXIRÉ premium nutritional supplements – your key to lasting well-being and beautiful skin.

Carefully developed and manufactured in Slovenia.

Made under controlled GMP conditions.

No dyes and sugar added.

Better absorption due to liquid shape.

Suitable for vegans.

In addition, Immuno booster curcumin contains:

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

Odličen okus!

Rebeka Skrjanc
Super izdelek!!

Sem naštudirala sestavine že preden sem kupila, tako da sem vedela da je formulacija odlična. Skrbel me je le okus, ampak tale je super! Pa še embalaža je lepa in ga ne rabim "skrivat" v omari :)

Sploh ne veš, da piješ kurkumo

Vedno dodajam kurkumo različnim jedem, ker vem da je odlična za zdravje. Ampak ta izdelek je pa top. Ne čutiš nobenega okusa kurkume:)

Odličen izdelek!

Že po nekaj dneh jemanja sem opazila, da imam več energije in sem bolj odporna proti prehladom. Okus je prijeten, rahlo sadni, kar mi je res všeč, ker imam težave z jemanjem prehranskih dopolnil, ki imajo močan ali neprijeten okus. 😊