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Galexova Premium Tekoča Prehranska Dopolnila Elixiré

Galex Premium Liquid Nutritional Supplements Elixiré


Written by: Iva Živanović, 18 Nov. 2024

Galex is a reputable, high-quality private company with a pharmaceutical tradition in the development and production of cosmetic products and dietary supplements.

"Our goal is to care for the health and improve the quality of life of the users of our products, which is why we maintain the highest standards in all phases of the production process. We pay special attention to high-quality input raw materials for our products and, whenever possible, use natural raw materials with quality certificates according to the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia."

What are dietary supplements?

According to EU Regulation No. 1169/2011, food supplements are defined as products that supplement the normal diet and are a source of concentrated nutrients or other substances with nutritional or physiological effects, placed on the market in the form of capsules, lozenges, tablets, liquids or other similar forms.

Dietary supplements may contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, fiber, plants or plant extracts, microorganisms, and other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect.

Frequently asked questions about dietary supplements

"Vitamins can also be obtained from food. Why would it be a good idea to also take vitamin supplements?"

Modern diets are often not diverse enough to provide sufficient amounts of vitamins, so taking vitamins in the form of nutritional supplements is an effective way to provide the necessary nutrients. A deficiency in one or more vitamins and minerals can lead to various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, anemia, reduced immune resistance, etc. Studies have shown that the use of nutritional supplements could save on healthcare costs. This amounts to several billion euros that could be saved every year in the treatment of diseases that could be prevented by sufficient intake of vitamins and nutrients.


"What are the amounts of vitamins we should consume?"

The National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ) precisely defines the recommended intake values ​​for minerals and vitamins according to each age group. Food supplements containing vitamins and minerals must be labelled with the following information: vitamin value in a single dose, expressed as a percentage of the recommended daily intake (RDI), where the recommended values ​​refer to the total vitamin intake, i.e. also to that obtained from food.


"Sometimes, we can see on dietary supplements that the content of a certain vitamin is 600% RDI, which means that the vitamin content is 6 times higher than the recommended daily intake. Are such products more effective?"

Sorry NO, vitamins can be divided into those that are water-soluble, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, and those that are fat-soluble, such as vitamin A, D, E and K. Our body excretes excess amounts of water-soluble vitamins through the kidneys, so it will use as much vitamin as it needs, and the excess will simply be excreted. If there is an excessive amount of vitamins consumed, this can cause inconvenience and lead to health problems, such as hypervitaminosis. A larger amount of vitamins consumed also increases interactions with other nutrients or even medications that we use, so it does not make sense to consume larger amounts of vitamins than recommended, as this can even be dangerous.

"Then why do manufacturers decide to use such values ​​in dietary supplements?"

Vitamins are very unstable molecules. Various factors, such as the pH of the medium, the presence of oxygen, light and elevated temperature, can cause the breakdown of vitamins or their conversion into ineffective forms, which is why some manufacturers use the method of over-adding vitamins to ensure at least some minimum vitamin content that is still effective at the end of the shelf life. Of course, it is possible to ensure the stability of vitamins by other technological processes, without risking overdose for our users.

"What products does the Elixiré dietary supplement line contain?"

The Elixiré line currently consists of 8 products, six in liquid form and two in capsule form. All products are made from high-quality ingredients that provide effective well-being solutions, without harmful additives.

"How do we at Galex ensure that Elixiré Premium nutritional supplements are truly high quality?"

  1. The nutritional supplements are in liquid form and have a balanced pH value,  which is best suited for preserving vitamins.
  2. The products are protected from oxygen by a nitrogen purge method, which   displaces oxygen, which accelerates the breakdown or conversion of vitamins.
  3. The packaging is dark and additionally protects the contents from light after opening.   products are stored in the refrigerator in the original packaging to preserve the content  vitamins until the end of the expiration date.
  4. Some products are ENCAPSULATED with lecithin, so vitamins are  additionally protected from external influences.
  5. All products are developed and manufactured under controlled GMP conditions, in accordance with  FSSC 22000 certificate.

"What are the advantages of liposomal form of dietary supplements or encapsulation?"

1. Stability of vitamins and minerals: lecithin are small molecules that, in high concentrations, such as in Elixiré dietary supplements, form spheres called micelles or liposomes. Vitamins are trapped inside these spheres, which are thus protected from external influences. This is how we speak of micellized or liposomal forms of vitamins.
2. Better absorption of vitamins and minerals: the advantage of encapsulation with lecithin is better solubility of vitamins and, above all, better absorption. In the case of Eliksiré products, more vitamins are absorbed than with the same amount of vitamins without encapsulation with lecithin. This allows us to say with greater certainty that the user will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins compared to other dietary supplements.

Facts about Elixiré dietary supplements in general:

  • they are sugar-free
  • are free of added dyes
  • are vegan products
  • better absorption due to liquid form
  • products are made under controlled GMP conditions
  • they are made in Slovenia

Make Elixiré Premium nutritional supplements your best investment
for your health. With a balanced diet and nutritional supplements
Elixirs on the path to health and vitality!

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